Vagas por Província

VdE | Técnico Especialista | World Vision

With over 70 years of experience, our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. We help children of all backgrounds, even in the most dangerous places, inspired by our Christian faith.

Come join our 34,000+ staff working in nearly 100 countries and share the joy of transforming vulnerable children’s life stories!

Employee Contract Type

Local - Fixed Term Employee (Fixed Term)

Job Description

Purpose of the position:

The purpose of this position is to provide technical guidance and contribute to the implementation of the GAC “Every Girl Can” project to enable the project and World Vision Mozambique to effectively contributing towards promoting gender equality with an emphasis on promotion of SRHRs and protection of girls and women from SGBV. They will also ensure integration of Gender, Equality, Disability and Social inclusion to ensure the effective implementation of gender transformative programming, donor compliance and evidence-based reporting. In addition, the position will foster greater collaboration with sector teams and external partners to push for effective responses to the vulnerability of girls, boys and women in the project target area. The position will coordinate the development of the project Gender and Advocacy strategy and oversee its implementation. The Gender Coordinator will also be responsible for facilitating training on gender equality and advocacy for staff and partners, Gender Mainstreaming across all sectors and monitoring gender equality and advocacy results.

Major Responsibilities: (please define in output format – 1-10 things of what you expect to see as a result of this position)

Key Outputs/Responsibilities

(Accountabilities and results)

Weight (%)

Gender and Development


Lead the efforts to develop office’s multi-sectoral approach in addressing factors negatively impacting gender equality, especially with regards toSRHRs and protection from SGBV violence

Lead the process and develop gender policies and strategy which will provide direction and vision in gender programming, partnering, and implementation of programmes

Strengthen the capacity of Project Staff to assist the communities to respond to gender challenges

Liaise with other agencies and organizations (including government, NGOs, CBOs) in addressing the gender challenges

Coordinates gender(programming and implementation) activities within the organization

Represent the organization on request to events (national and international).

Ensure gender mainstreaming including planning, implementation and reporting

Provide gender technical inputs in all programmes

Ensure that gender monitoring system is in place

Ensure that staff have gender capacity to implement their project/programme

Monitor, individually as WV-Moz/in coalition, country’s progress as per its national gender equity and equality priorities and their alignment withAgenda 2030/SDGs.

Develop advocacy strategy and guidelines for direction and programming

Network with other organisations that will assist in addressing the advocacy and gender equality issues at hand

Advise the Project Management on issues related to policy and advocacy to be discussed and form position on.

Draft and input into weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports for both internal and external purposes

Prepare in collaboration with the National Office Communications Manager media briefs, press release, press conferences, and articles when necessary


Facilitate initiatives aimed at promoting child/youth participation and voice and peer support, especially amongst vulnerable girls

Promote a culture of regular dialogue between local communities (including girls and boys and community and faith leaders), service providers, government executive bodies and decision makers on issues and actions pertaining gender, including service delivery and policy (formulation, reform and implementation using approved project models (such as CVA, CP&A, CoH in Gender) and other


Support strengthening of local systems and structures aimed at promoting gender equity and equality and addressing sexual and gender based violence

Capacity Building


Coordinate the process of promoting gender and advocacy in the project areas

Build capacity of project staff, project participants and other formal and informal actors on gender equality issues, gender transformative programming and gender-related advocacy skills (awareness raising, mobilization, relevant legislation etc.)

Facilitate sensitisation of children about their rights in project areas


Promote formation of local girls and women support/advocacy groups/platforms and other related initiatives


Ensure gathering and systematization of data/evidence for advocacy and resource mobilization purposes.


Develop and disseminate advocacy products such as briefs, reports and other for policy influence

Partnerships, Coordination and Collaboration


Collaborate with government departments and other organisations dealing with girls and young women to enhance awareness of gender and advocacy in communities

Contribute to documentation of technical/program approaches, lessons learned, and success stories

Attend working groups and task force meetings on national/ local levels as required.

Represent the project in national and international meetings, forums, seminars and conferences related to gender, policy influencing, and policy implementation



PROFILE: Core Capabilities: (proficiency levels; 1=developing 2 =proficient 3=advanced)

Core Capability

Proficiency level

(1, 2, 3)

Examples of advanced proficiencies

(A full list of indicators available in Core Capabilities into Job Descriptions – A Manager’s Guide)



Achieving Capabilities

Achieving quality results and service




Practicing accountability and integrity



Communicating information effectively



Thinking Capabilities

Thinking clearly, deeply and broadly




Understanding the Humanitarian industry



Understanding WV’s mission & operations



Practicing innovation & change



Self-managing Capabilities

Demonstrating Christ-centered life and work




Learning for growth and development



Maintaining work/life balance



Relational Capabilities

Building collaborative relationships




Practicing gender & cultural diversity



Influencing individuals & groups



Other Competencies/Attributes

  • Must be a committed Christian, able to stand above denominational diversities.
  • Perform other duties as required.

Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience

The following may be acquired through a combination of formal or self-education, prior experience or on-the-job training:

  • Minimum Qualification required:
  • Educational qualifications: University degree in Social Sciences, particularly Sociology/social anthropology, Development Studies and Law.

Work Exp: Three years of progressively responsible professional work experience at national level in programme management, capacity development, policy and legislative development and advocacy in social development, and human rights. Work experience with community based organisations an asset.

  • Technical knowledge: Gender equality concepts and policy, gender transformative community-based development programming approaches, SRHR, Child rights, and human rights in general, analytical, communications, facilitation and advocacy skills
  • Skills
  • Strong commitment to safeguarding and gender policies both inside and outside the workplace.
  • Excellent facilitation skills and ability to deliver trainings.
  • Strong character traits, including team work, striving for high performance, emotional stability, resilience, adaptability, and ability to handle stress, strong initiative and self-motivation, cultural and gender sensitivity.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, with excellent command of spoken and written English and Portuguese

Working Environment / Conditions

  • Work environment: Based in Nampula Province (Murrupula and Nacaroa districts)
  • On call: 10%

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Employee Signature Date

Approved By

_______________________________ _________________________________ _______________

Division Director (printed) Signature Date

_______________________________ _________________________________ _______________

People & Culture Director (printed) Signature Date



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