
A mostrar mensagens de maio, 2023

Vagas por Província

VdE | Motorista | World VIsion

  With over 70 years of experience, our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. We help children of all backgrounds, even in the most dangerous places, inspired by our Christian faith. Come join our 33,000+ staff working in nearly 100 countries and share the joy of transforming vulnerable children’s life stories! FAÇA PARTE DO NOSSO GRUPO DO WHATSAPP CLIQUE AQUI PARA SE CANDIDATAR CRIAR MODELO DE CV PROFISSIONAL DICAS DE EMPREGO VOLTAR A LISTA DE VAGAS

VdE | Analista de Controles Internos | TotalEnergies

  Ensures the consistency and adequacy of Affiliate’s internal control framework with the requirements of E&P. Participates in the implementation of the SOX provisions within the Affiliate, making sure that governances of TEPMA1 and of other existing and future related entities are enforced in their respective scopes. Performs the coordination and assessment of the answers to Entity Level Control (ELC) questionnaire. Ensures that supporting documentation of ELC assessments is relevant and sufficient. Coordinates the planning, execution, and reporting to Head Office of SOX control self-assessments. Prepares, coordinates, performs, and validates SOX Activity Level Control (ALC) testing campaigns. Ensures that supporting documents of ALC tests are relevant and sufficient. Evaluates and resolves identified control deficiencies (non-compliance), including working directly with control owners on remediation efforts. Provides users of SOX tools with the necessary support. Participates in

VdE | Serralheiro Mecânico | Mota-Engil

Efetuar a instalação, reparação e manutenção de equipamentos mecânicos, pneumáticos e hidráulicos, procedendo à regulação, afinação e substituição de peças, órgãos e dispositivos auxiliares, de acordo com as especificações técnicas dos equipamentos e respeitando as normas de segurança, higiene e saúde no trabalho e de proteção do ambiente. Requisitos da Função e perfil de competências Escolaridade obrigatória ou curso técnico equivalente; Conhecimentos de Serralharia ao nível das Técnicas de soldadura e Tipologia dos materiais; Experiência em trabalhos de Serralharia na reparação de componentes de máquinas de CCOP; Experiência na execução de componentes metálicos para aplicação em obra; Rigor e fiabilidade; Trabalho em equipa; Disponibilidade total para mobilidade FAÇA PARTE DO NOSSO GRUPO DO WHATSAPP CLIQUE AQUI PARA SE CANDIDATAR CRIAR MODELO DE CV PROFISSIONAL DICAS DE EMPREGO VOLTAR A LISTA DE VAGAS

VdE | Diretor de Industrialização | The Global Edge Consultants

  Require a Industrialization Lead Officer to be resident in Maputo for major energy company. Job Details: Support the Capacity Building Lead and Contract Strategies Lead on the development, update, and monitoring of the MzLNG Project National Content plan with a local content benchmark and intelligence addressing Employment & training, Procurement of Goods & Services and Capacity building needs and opportunities. More specifically, lead the development, update, coordination, implementation and communication of an Industrial Baseline Survey to understand local capacities, gaps, challenges and opportunities to support Mozambican employment, procurement of Goods & Services and develop Capacity Building programs. As required, lead with relevant parties the development, coordination monitoring and implementation of projects such as: Conduct studies and collection of information; Organize businesses delegation; Produce communication support to stakeholders; and Participate to th

VdE | Motorista | World Vision

  With over 70 years of experience, our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. We help children of all backgrounds, even in the most dangerous places, inspired by our Christian faith. Come join our 33,000+ staff working in nearly 100 countries and share the joy of transforming vulnerable children’s life stories! FAÇA PARTE DO NOSSO GRUPO DO WHATSAPP CLIQUE AQUI PARA SE CANDIDATAR CRIAR MODELO DE CV PROFISSIONAL DICAS DE EMPREGO VOLTAR A LISTA DE VAGAS